I have finally Flickred...


Never thought I would do it but I finally have. After much contemplation I have decided to join the seemingly meniacal world of Flickr. I am not too certain as of yet what the hype is about, seems kind of "clunky" to me and not really well laid out but it seems to be very popular.

As I understand it Flickr is intended to bring photographers (budding and seasoned) together to display there work in a community atmosphere. Posting comments on photos is highly encouraged and it appears to help some really improve and hone their skills.

One thing I am really keen on is criticism of my work, both positive and negative. If this outlet affords me the opportunity to receive much needed discussion then so be it. By the way, why the heck deosn't Google own Flickr too? Sure seems like something they would love to do.

Anyway, take a peek here and see what you think.

This video post is amazing...


Having an insatiable appetite for all things photographic, and being a daft amateur in comparison to those whom I study, there is no choice but to spend some time daily prowling the Blogs of those I admire.

On a typical day I tend to find a glut of new information with a few golden nuggets hidden within. You know, something that really sticks with you.
Well today was a great trolling day, I would say I have hit the proverbial, "Video Daily Double", with a post on Scott Kelby's Blog.

Every Wednesday Scott has a guest blogger (typically a photographer) who is asked to write about a specific topic, I regularly look forward to these and have read some very good writings to date. To my (initial) dismay this past Wednesday was a video post, not something I am typically a fan of. Wow was I surprised.

The post by Zack Arias was PROFOUND! I have lost count of how many times I have watched this, but it has meaning, a lot of meaning. Please don't discount the beginning of the video, it really is great. Click here to check it out!



Just Elliot and I goofing off. This is with the E3, no flash, natural light source is the glass door to his right. Processed in Lightroom 2. Link to the gallery is here.
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