A few more book recommendations...

I have the recent luck to find three books which are very, very, good.  Two of the books were very easy to actually find and the third is one I have been looking for for some time.  

 -An Inner Silence- The Portraits Of Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson
-Masters of Photography-

Master's Guide to Wedding Photography
Marcus Bell


Well, today is the day!  Aubrey's baptism day is here and we are very, very excited.  I thought I might share once again the images I will never forget, as they left indelible impressions on my heart.  She is growing so quickly and becoming a young lady right before our eyes.

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What a beautiful day!  We had the express pleasure of sharing a day with our neices.  With the Florida Winter weather being so beautiful we decided to take a hike on the new Polk County nature preserve trail, the Circle B Bar Ranch.  We spent about three hours hiking the natural areas through marshes, along the shore of Lake Hancock, and through the scrub land.  Hundreds of birds, several alligators (it is Florida after all), and some sweet kids.  For the camera gear I brought the venerable Olympus E3, my Sigma 30 mm 1.4 (my favorite f-stop), and carried it with my Black Rapid R-Strap.  Here are a couple of quick shots of the kids:

Thats all for now...

Another very informative film


I found this on You-Tube as well.  Although fairly brief, I find it to be very informative with regard to photographic history.  Another interesting film from the BBC, I wish the US networks had the same interest in these art documentaies.  Very well done, take a quick look and see what you think. There are 6 parts posted to You Tube.  Here is the link to part 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut00KGEwYL0

An excellent book for photographers....


You know, the Internet certainly does make things easier in many ways.  One of those happens to be the availability of information for both entertainment and education.  It is so simple to acquire information on ANY subject that we sometimes forget one of the prominent traditional methods through which we once gained knowledge, books. 

When browsing through our local Books A Million (a nice locale to burn some time) I once in a while come across a book which begs to be brought home.  One of my recent acquisitions is Joe McNally's "The Moment It Clicks".  I won't go into Joe's story or a review of the book, as I am not a great reviewer, and I typically find reviews to contain more information which does not affect my decision than does. 

That said, this book is amazing.  Joe practices the art of flash photography and has it down to a science.  I have always been fond of the term "available light", most define it as nothing but natural.  However, Joe considers "any" light (flash or otherwise) as available.  If you are truly interested in developing your lighting techniques get this book and read the WHOLE thing cover to cover.

A film I believe tells it all...

"The Impassioned Eye".  A bio-documentary of Henri Cartier-Bresson, arguably one of the best -if not the greatest- photographers of all time. 

In these days of uber-cameras - digital and technological marvels that can take pictures in virtually every situation put in front of them, here was Cartier-Bresson showing a body of work taken over many decades, shot with a small Leica camera and predominantly a single 50mm lens, which wasn't particularly fast in terms of aperture. It was quite a sobering thought. No autofocus, no evaluative metering, no picture modes, no image stabilization. Things that we take for granted these days. He utiilised the simplest and most efficient way of taking pictures. Just a man, his simple camera, and his eye. Compose, focus, press the shutter.

His thoughts on the images were humbling. He saw them as 'memories' from an earlier time, in much the same way as we look at our holiday snaps. Watching him look back at his pictures, you could sense the emotion he was feeling at the time. He handles the paper pictures like a pile of proof prints, and talks quite openly about the stories behind them, often with a tear in his eye. Nothing pretentious, and totally devoid of ego.

If you can get to see the documentary, then don't miss it. It is one of those masterpieces of film making, that will inspire you to take better pictures.

Here is a link to a Blogger who has the film in segments, it is very much worth the time to see.
