You know, the Internet certainly does make things easier in many ways. One of those happens to be the availability of information for both entertainment and education. It is so simple to acquire information on ANY subject that we sometimes forget one of the prominent traditional methods through which we once gained knowledge, books.
When browsing through our local Books A Million (a nice locale to burn some time) I once in a while come across a book which begs to be brought home. One of my recent acquisitions is Joe McNally's "The Moment It Clicks". I won't go into Joe's story or a review of the book, as I am not a great reviewer, and I typically find reviews to contain more information which does not affect my decision than does.
That said, this book is amazing. Joe practices the art of flash photography and has it down to a science. I have always been fond of the term "available light", most define it as nothing but natural. However, Joe considers "any" light (flash or otherwise) as available. If you are truly interested in developing your lighting techniques get this book and read the WHOLE thing cover to cover.
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