Took out the big gun yesterday....


My wonderful wife afforded me the time to go out to our local Nature Preserve, the ever so beautiful Circle B Bar Ranch Nature Preserve on Winter Lake Road, about 10 minutes from the house. I figured I would finally give the Olympus 50-200 2.8-3.5 SWD ED a run at some wild life.

It was a beautiful morning yesterday, about 32º and of course the dew point was right there with it (read FOG) so the marshes were inundated, but as a photographer one almost always welcomes it just before the sun rises, it is nature's gigantic light diffuser. As I made my way out to the trails at about 7:00 am I was amazed at how loud the birds were and how you could hear every little sound when there was such silence, calm, and still.

With numb hands (cold) I set out to get the best of the morning. Take a look and see what you think, this is a link to the a series I from the morning. By the way, that is about a 1 pound Large Mouth Bass the Osprey has removed the head from. Click here for the photos

That's all for now-


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