Project Love....


As always, if there is an opportunity to challenge and improve my photographic prowess, I am at the ready. I have the opportunity to compete against some very formidable opponents in a monthly photo challenge at my place of employment.

For the month of February the subject is love. With very loose restrictions on content, vague rules on post-processing, and creative freedom, this topic can run the gamut. I chose my subject to be what I know as the ultimate definition of love, my family. I spent a few hours downtown with the kids, here is what came of the trip. Click here.

That's all for now-

The newest member of our family...


we got the puppy bug and it would not go away. We have a three year old Miniature Schnauzer named Libby, the most loving dog anyone could ever meet. I suppose we can blame it on the need for Libby to have a playmate but it boils down to one thing, these dogs are just too wonderful to resist.

We found Sophie last night, and what a find. She is the exact Schnauzer we have looked for, the perfect compliment to our existing salt and pepper, Sophie is jet black with the tiniest white chin hair and white stripe on her chest. At eight weeks old she is a ball of energy. Next step is a trip to the Vet for some ear cropping. Here are the photos of our new girl.

That's all for now-

Details from the Florida State Fair


I had the opportunity to spend the day with my family at the State Fair. The Florida State Fair is dichotomy of sorts in that you have such varied interactions with a wide variety of people from vastly different societal scales. We spent most of the first two hours in "Cracker Country", a period built life-size diorama of turn of the 20th century Florida life.

As well, our day spilled out to the "normal" fair area. The air wafting with the smell of the all famous fair food, I could not resist, it was a $9.00 corn dog at least 2 feet long. Handing over the money all I could think about was John Travolta's line in Pulp Fiction when Uma Thurman orders a "Five Dollar Shake". Anyway, Clydesdale horses in the equestrian ring, petting zoo with giraffes, and the FFA show ring later, we entered the midway. Two things were very obvious, one historical, and the other a current affair. The barkers, ride operators, and freak show hucksters never change (I think descriptives go without saying) and the midway was a desolate strip of land lined by glittery, motionless, metal vomit comets.

All in all, a very nice day. I have included the obligatory link to the newly added photo gallery, the photos are from Cracker Country and cover what I enjoy best, The Details. Click her for the Standards and Details gallery.

That's all for now-

Took out the big gun yesterday....


My wonderful wife afforded me the time to go out to our local Nature Preserve, the ever so beautiful Circle B Bar Ranch Nature Preserve on Winter Lake Road, about 10 minutes from the house. I figured I would finally give the Olympus 50-200 2.8-3.5 SWD ED a run at some wild life.

It was a beautiful morning yesterday, about 32º and of course the dew point was right there with it (read FOG) so the marshes were inundated, but as a photographer one almost always welcomes it just before the sun rises, it is nature's gigantic light diffuser. As I made my way out to the trails at about 7:00 am I was amazed at how loud the birds were and how you could hear every little sound when there was such silence, calm, and still.

With numb hands (cold) I set out to get the best of the morning. Take a look and see what you think, this is a link to the a series I from the morning. By the way, that is about a 1 pound Large Mouth Bass the Osprey has removed the head from. Click here for the photos

That's all for now-

Flash "IS" all it is cracked up to be....


I stumbled across Neil van Niekerk's site kind of by accident, you see as I was trying to understand the importance of being a "purist", (meaning a photographer who only uses natural light) I kept going back to Joe McNally. Joe is probably the preeminent photojournalist working at this time, and most likely the best in the past 30 years.

How does this bring me to Neil's site? There is this really cool Blog named Stobist and they tout all things flash. Found him there. Here is a link to Neil's site Planet Neil. For those of you "purists" out there, have a peek, you may be surprised.

That's all for now-