This video post is amazing...


Having an insatiable appetite for all things photographic, and being a daft amateur in comparison to those whom I study, there is no choice but to spend some time daily prowling the Blogs of those I admire.

On a typical day I tend to find a glut of new information with a few golden nuggets hidden within. You know, something that really sticks with you.
Well today was a great trolling day, I would say I have hit the proverbial, "Video Daily Double", with a post on Scott Kelby's Blog.

Every Wednesday Scott has a guest blogger (typically a photographer) who is asked to write about a specific topic, I regularly look forward to these and have read some very good writings to date. To my (initial) dismay this past Wednesday was a video post, not something I am typically a fan of. Wow was I surprised.

The post by Zack Arias was PROFOUND! I have lost count of how many times I have watched this, but it has meaning, a lot of meaning. Please don't discount the beginning of the video, it really is great. Click here to check it out!


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